Stopped by Police

Being stopped by police is a stressful experience that can go bad quickly. Here we describe what the law requires and also offer strategies for handling police encounters. We want to be clear: The burden of de-escalation does not fall on private citizens — it falls on police officers. However, you cannot assume officers will behave in a way that protects your safety or that they will respect your rights even after you assert them. You may be able to reduce risk to yourself by staying calm and not exhibiting hostility toward the officers. The truth is that there are situations where people have done everything they could to put an officer at ease, yet still ended up injured or killed.

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Police car with sirens lights on.

I’ve been stopped by the police in public

Your rights

How to reduce risk to yourself

What to do if you are arrested or detained

If you believe your rights were violated

What you can do if you think you’re witnessing police abuse or brutality

Additional resources

If you need more information, contact your local ACLU affiliate.

Share this scenario:

I’ve been pulled over by the police

Your rights

How to reduce risk to yourself

What to do if you are arrested or detained

If you believe your rights were violated

What you can do if you think you’re witnessing police abuse or brutality

Additional resources

If you need more information, contact your local ACLU affiliate.

Share this scenario:

The police are at my door

Your rights and how to reduce risk to yourself

When your rights have been violated

How to be a responsible bystander

Additional resources

If you need more information, contact your local ACLU affiliate.

Share this scenario:

I’ve been arrested by the police

How to prepare for possible arrest

Your rights

How to reduce risk to yourself

When your rights have been violated

What you can do if you think you’re witnessing police abuse or brutality

Additional resources

If you need more information, contact your local ACLU affiliate.