
Travel across Boone County with Superintendent Jeff Hauswald as he visits 10 schools in 8 hours!

Students, their families, and employees/potential employees of the Boone County School District are hereby notified that the Boone County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or genetic information in employment programs, vocational programs, or activities set forth in compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations.

This correspondence serves as notice that in accordance with the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) Public School Model records Retention Schedule, the Boone County Board of Education’s adopted records retention schedule, Special Education Due Process Folders will be destroyed/purged three (3) years from the last activity of the student.

The Boone County School District is currently taking nominations for a minority parent to serve on the Superintendent Search Committee.

Kindergarten registration begins March 4th between 4:30 and 6:30 at all of our elementary schools! The online registration portion will go live on February 14th.

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We Are Boone County Schools

Boone County Schools are committed to ensuring every student is college, career and life ready. As the third largest in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the District consists of 15 elementary schools, 6 middle schools and four high schools. There are nearly 20,000 students, 1,200 who are English Language Learners, speaking over 50 languages in Boone County Schools.

World Class Education

The 21st century skills of critical thinking and communication are intentionally planned for and taught in Boone County. Additionally, teachers provide opportunities for all students to be challenged within their zone of proximal development. Our schools create project/problem/passion based learning experiences for students to apply core knowledge, concepts and 21st century skills, within and across disciplines, to solve real-world problems.

Student Empowerment

In order to develop the 21st skills necessary to be successful in the future workplace, the Boone County Schools is committed to empowering all students by developing in each of them strong character, student leadership, hope, and wellbeing.

Our Message

District Mission: Representing and in partnership with our stakeholders, the Boone County School District recognizes that all children can learn and dedicates itself to providing a challenging educational environment that allows each student to achieve to his or her highest potential as a learner and citizen.

District Vision: Every graduate ready for college, career, and life!

Resource Optimization

Process and Performance Management (PPM):
• “Makes sure we stay on track”
• “Ensures we are efficient with all resources to better serve kids”
• “Gives us the bigger picture and puts the puzzle pieces together”
• “Helps us work efficiently and effectively within our scope of practice”
• “Keeps us focused on what’s important, leading to student success”

Education Matters

Hear directly from our Superintendent