Case Reports: How to Write a Case Report

This checklist was developed by CARE to correspond with key components of a case report and capture useful clinical information (including 'meaningful use' information mandated by some insurance plans).

The narrative: A case report tells a story in a narrative format that includes the presenting concerns, clinical findings, diagnoses, interventions, outcomes (including adverse events), and follow-up. The narrative should include a discussion of the rationale for any conclusions and any take-away messages.

Topic Item Checklist Item Description
Title 1 The words "case report: should be in the title, along with area of focus
Keywords 2 Four to seven keywords - include "case report" as one of the keywords
Abstract 3a Background: What does this case report add to the medical literature?
3b Case summary: chief complaint, diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes
3c Conclusion: What is the main "take-away" lesson from this case?
Introduction 4 The current standard of care and contributions of this case - with references (1-2 paragraphs)​
Timeline 5 Information from this case report organized into a timelines (table or figure)
Patient Information 6a De-identified demographic and other patient or client specific information
6b Chief complaint - what prompted the visit?
6c Relevant history including past interventions and outcomes
Physical Exam 7 Relevant physical examination findings
Diagnostic Assessment 8a Evaluations such as surveys, laboratory testing, imaging, etc.
8b Diagnostic reasoning including other diagnoses considered and challenges
8c Consider tables or figures linking assessment, diagnoses, and interventions
8d Prognostic characteristics where applicable
Interventions 9a Types such as lifestyle recommendations, treatments, medications, surgery
9b Intervention administration such as dosage, frequency, and duration
9c Note changes in intervention with explanation
9d Other concurrent interventions
Follow-up and Outcomes 10a Clinician assessment (and patient or client assessed outcomes when appropriate)
10b Important follow-up diagnostic evaluations
10c Assessment of intervention adherence and tolerability, including adverse events
Discussion 11a Strengths and limitations in your approach to the case
11b Specify how this case report informs practice or Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)
11c How does this case report suggest a testable hypothesis?
11d Conclusions and rationale
Patient Perspective 12 When appropriate, include the assessment of the patient or client on this episode of care
Informed Consent 13 Informed consent from the person who is the subject of this case report, required by most journals
Additional Information 14 Acknowledgement section; Competing Interests; IRB approval when required

Gagnier JJ, Riley D, Altman DG, Moher D, Sox H, Kienle GS, for the CARE group: The CARE guidelines: Consensus-based clinical case reporting guideline development. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2013; 110(37): 603-8.